Wednesday, October 8, 2014

First and Last Line

The moment one learns English, complications set in.  Decisions have to be made, fights have to be fought, and difficulties have to be faced head on, keeping strong. Being a teenager during this time is confusing.  People expect more of me.  They expect me to know right from wrong and what to say and when to say them.  Truth is, I was taught my manners, but nobody realizes that most people are not prepared for some of the things that we as teenagers have to deal with.
I would walk through the front doors of the school and glance around me, thinking about the people in my presence.  Almost judging them. Which is wrong, I know that, but they’re probably judging me just as much.  I already knew today was going to be a bad day.  I was unable to study for an important test the night before because my notebook was stolen. I also have another huge test that I had to ace to get a B in the class for the quarter.  It could be easily assumed that I was stressed out. Probably even more than just stressed out. 
Know what’s amazing? If one person was able to get me to smile or see something good about the day then I would be golden. That’s exactly what happened.  One text from one person made my day go from awful to livable in under two seconds.  It made me realize that this person cares about me.  That is the best feeling in the entire world. 
It’s impossible to have a stress-free perfect life.  What is possible is telling yourself it doesn’t have to feel imperfect or stressful.  I know from experience that looking on the positive sides of everything is easily the most difficult thing ever.  Think of the glass half full for a change.  Live your life thinking that if one door closes, another one opens.  Second chances can be given more than once, just don’t take advantage.  Instead of seeing the sunset and thinking that tomorrow is going to be a bad day, take time to take in the scenery and thank God for the blessings he’s given you.  Negativity is too contagious.  As hard as it may be, let even a sliver of happiness in.  Tell yourself that it’s okay to be who you are, because no matter how complicated or crappy you think your life is, it isn’t.  Simple as that. If anybody noticed my mood changing after one text and asked me if I was okay my response would be,

“Yes, isn’t it pretty to think so?”

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