Thursday, December 18, 2014

Billy Collins Inspired Poem

Growing up


I wake up at six AM regularly

Facing the responsibilities of the day seems almost cruel

Like a thousand pound weight I have tied on my back

Each year, they grow twice the size.

1000, 2000, 3000

Until one crumples beneath it.

The weight will win,

Unless I say it can’t.

It won’t win.

I become stronger everyday.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final Reflection Post



              1.  This semester I have let myself become very open with my writing.  Some pieces I've written include one of my favorites, “Dent in the Pillow” that I posted on my blog.  I loved the story behind it.  How the boys love for the girl was so strong that he sat in front of her house every day for months after she died.  Tragedies are so relatable to society and I feel like it gets great responses just because people have been there.  They read a story about a loved one dying of cancer or suicide and they think, “Wow that happened to me.”  Writing is such a great way to connect people. It shows society that people go through hardships every day and that you’re not alone.  “Dent in the pillow was my favorite short story I wrote just because the topic was easy to write about because it is so relevant and hard hitting.
      On my own though, I have actually started to write a book.  Only a few people know about this actually. It’s not that far along because I’ve been spending a lot of time on individual chapters, making them perfect.  It is another one of those stories that is deep and motivational.  I don’t want to share too much because it’s not finished, but I’m really hoping it turns out like I picture it will.
2.              2.  The piece that I read that stood out to me the most was the Maya Angelou writing.  I found such truth and honesty in her words, and I obviously had a lot to say about it if you look at my response writing.  I just loved what she said about power and how it’s subjective.  I related to the overcoming of obstacles she would share.  Like for example, how she wouldn't speak when she was a child.  Although I was a very loud and annoying child, I understand the feeling of being terrified like she was. 
3.               3.   My blog was an interesting experience.  I was really uncomfortable at first about posting my work for everyone to see, just because I write about such personal things.  I quickly got over that though when I realized everyone else is just like me. 
I came up with the title “Head in the Clouds” because I daydream…..a lot.  When I do, I am always making up random snippets of stories in my head and sometimes when they feel right, I transfer them to paper and elaborate.  Truthfully, many of my stories come from when I zone out in Algebra class…
 Part of me wants to continue my blog, but I am one of those people who is terrible about sticking to something.  I’ll tell myself I’ll do one thing, and then I get lazy and do the opposite.  If I do continue though, I will most likely post deep inspirational writings because I feel like that is what I do best.  I love helping people and making them feel like they mean something and I’m able to do that with my writing.
4.             4.  I've kept journals my entire life.  Even in elementary school I would be that kid that starts out a page, “Dear Diary.”  I do a different version of that now.  I journal when I’m upset.  If I’m angry, I write letters to the people that wronged me.  It would make me feel so much better to get out my feelings on paper, but never sending it and starting more drama then necessary.  I have probably at least 3 notebooks filled with letters I wrote but never sent.
5.              5.    “When I write, it’s always best when it’s a time I need to escape reality and dive into a new one. I use my laptop because I can type my ideas faster than I can write them.  I always lay on my couch in my room, hopefully bundled up with a space heater on next to me because I like to be warm.  I connect my beats into the computer and listen to my favorite country songs.  What I find odd is that I always tent to write best late at night.  I think it’s because that is when my meds wear off and I’m able to truly express every emotion instead of it being covered up.”     
6.             6. Scars on the surface shouldn't determine
             Its immensity
Or worth.
Its true beauty is immense in itself.
Just have to give it a chance.
I feel sorry for those who don’t see the
Of judgment and mistreatment

Our world is imperfect.

But it’s still a good one
7.                 7.  Writing will always be a part of my life.  It has been since the beginning and I never plan on stopping. I don’t know what my future holds as far as a career, if I’ll do something with creative writing or not. What I do know is that no matter where I end up, I’ll have notebooks stacked up in my closet.  I’ll have hundreds of them, filled with my inner thoughts and emotions.
8.                 8.  Keep writing.  Honestly, that’s all I have to say.  Never stop because every single one of you are amazing and talented and you all deserve the best that life has to offer.  I’ve read your stories and I truly have been so impressed with your passion and love.  Please never stop because your writing can be your gift to the world one day.

9.              9. It’s been a great semester. Thank you Mrs. Fraser for the creative freedom you give this class.  

Thursday, December 4, 2014

101 Things About Me

1. I’m 16 years old and I’ve been told I act like a child as well as an adult.
2. I listen to the same songs until my ears bleed, and then listen to them some more.
3. There are many different sides and moods to me.
4. I am terrified of caves and have been since a field trip to one in second grade.
5. I can watch movies over and over again and still cry or laugh as much as I did the first time.
6. My junior year has been the hardest but also the most rewarding.
7. I can do yo-yo tricks.
8. I know how to make nearly anything out of duct tape.
9. In elementary school I put my hair in a low ponytail with the part still present…I don’t want to talk about it.
10. The first fight I had with my friends was over a snow globe.
11. I am a caring person who seems to get taken for granted too often.
12. I never thought I’d be interested in a science major until this year.
13. My grandma was my best friend before she passed.
14. I have a slight obsession with YouTube and YouTubers.
15. I could live off popcorn and Chinese food.
16. My little brother is one of my best friends and I wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world.
17. Give me money and I’ll spend it, most likely on food.
18. If you like One Tree Hill, then I like you.
19. My hair is split end infested.
20. This is my favorite number.
21. I come from a family where our life revolves around my brother playing hockey, and I’m okay with that.
22. Bridges over water give me horrible anxiety.
23. This is Nathan Scott’s from One Tree Hill basketball number. I love him hehe.
24. This is my brother’s hockey jersey number.
25. My favorite thing to do as a kid was set up a long table and collapse one sides legs and use it as a slide.
26. I try to be a good catholic, it just becomes hard in high school.
27. Finally beginning to learn who you are is the best feeling in the world.
28. This is totally weird but when I have water in my wars, I love the bubbly feeling when it comes out.
29. I wear a lot of scarves.
30. My friends are the most important people to me.
31. I got bit by a dog on my face when I was four.
32. Going to a Catholic school as a child helped prepare me for my life now.
33. If you watch Pretty Little Liars with me, your eardrums will burst.
34. I am in love with my aunt’s mashed potatoes.
35. I hate winter but I love Christmas.
36. Quitting competitive swimming was the best decision I have ever made.
37. I don’t consider myself to be a smart person. I have to work to get good grades.
38. My half an acre backyard was my playground, it had everything fun in it.
39. I value confidence, not cockiness.
40. I want to be a mermaid.
41. Do not touch me with your feet.
42. Pink is my favorite color.
43. I love anything where I can live in an alternate reality like movies or TV.
44. I love to read quotes.
45. I am driven but also lazy.
46. I want four kids named Anthony, Michael, Brooke, and Madilyn.
47. Plums were my favorite food as a child.
48. I am a very independent person.
49. Every day after school, I get a sonic Dr. Pepper with extra ice.
50. I can be really insecure, but so can everyone else.
51. My two dogs are just about my favorite things on the planet.
52. Speaking of the planet, I love to study it thanks to Mr. Snyder.
53. I get cold easily.
54. My uncle owns 30 alpacas.
55. Cheetah Girls and High School Musical will always be my favorite movies.
56. I wasn’t allowed to watch Spongebob as a kid.
57. I’ve punched a car on purpose and nearly broke my hand. Don’t do that.
58. I’ve met Danielle Bradbery and Dan + Shay.
59. I love country concerts and I’ve been to quite a few.
60. Vladimir Terasenko from the St. Louis Blues is a total babe.
61. I’ve sent fan mail before.
62. If I like a book, I will sit and read it for as long as I can.
63. My family used to camp a lot and I hated it.
64. I played softball for half of my life.
65. I’ve always wanted to go to Greece.
66. Make a build-a-bear with me so I know it’s real.
67. I quote TV/Movies all the time.
68. I use my laptop for a large majority of my day.
69. I hated Kickapoo at first but now I look forward to going to school.
70. If I’m mistreated, I always end up making excuses for the person just to keep them in my life, but now I learned that’s not what I need in my life.
71. As a kid, I would refuse to drink milk.
72. I am often referred to as a “nerd”.
73. If I won a million dollars I would use it to make a difference rather than for personal use.
74. No matter how much a person has hurt me, I will always care. I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing.
75. I deleted my personal twitter because I was sick of having to take up so much time.
76. I hate algebra.
77. I enjoy making my friends feel special.
78. If I have a relationship that is spontaneous and fun with little drama, I would be so thankful.
79. I enjoy making crafts so much.
80. Nothing makes me happier than being in the presence of people I love.
81. I hate the color purple.
82. I didn’t have cable as a kid so I watched cyberchase every day after school.
83. I had to wear the ugliest uniforms at catholic school and I hated every second of it.
84. Michelle Obama and her stupid health rules make me madder than anything and it ruins my day.
85. I love to travel and see new places but I’m also a homebody and love to just chill at home.
86. I love dramatic books and movies but if that kind of drama happened in my life I’d be screwed.
87. I am so incredibly scared of drowning.
88. Even as a kid, I loved watching shows about hospitals and episodes where someone gets injured. I don’t know why, I just found it fascinating.
89. I am quiet when you first meet me, but then I turn into this hyper and annoying child.
90. I have a story that can be a sad one at times.
91. My idol is Danielle Bradbery because she reached her dreams at such a young age and someday, I want to be that courageous.
92. I would consider myself to be responsible.
93. Although I am bad about procrastinating homework I don’t want to do.
94. I have won awards for my writing and it is probably the best feeling in the world.
95. I have a unique personality that only certain people can deal with, and those people are the nes I want to be friends with for the rest of my life.
96. I love my parents, I guess I just get frustrated with them from time to time and I don’t show it enough.
97. Holidays with my family are loud, loving, and exciting and it is my favorite time of the year.
98. When I grow up, I just want to settle down and have a family and a solid career.
99. I’m ready to get out of high school, but I am also terrified of growing up.
100. There is nothing better than feeling loved.
101. I have been mistreated my friends my entire life, and when I decided to make a huge change in my life this year when it came to the people I hang out with, It made me a happier all around person and I am so grateful I got the courage to make that decision.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Food Memories


            I have a large family.  We cram nearly 50 family members in a small two bedroom house on holidays.  We may be short on space, but one thing we are never short on is food.  I swear the amount of food takes up more than the people do.  Platters upon platters of deserts are stacked up on the kitchen table.  The biggest and juiciest turkey is being strewn to pieces, nearly ready to serve.  My aunt’s homemade mashed potatoes and gravy make my mouth water.  It has always been my favorite, I eat multiple helpings of it.  My other aunt had made her recipe of mostaccioli with a glorious red sauce.  I could seriously eat that for days on end. 

Along with the amazing cooks in my family, we also have a great baker.  My aunt Didi makes the most amazing pastries and cakes I have ever tasted.  Her recipe for her cheesecake is my absolute favorite.  I always ask her to make that for my birthday and for holidays. I always attempt to smuggle some of it for myself to eat on the ride back home.  She also makes an exquisite caramel chocolate cake topped with pecans, my three favorite ingredients in one.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of all time.  It’s the holiday where it is completely acceptable to eat your body weight in food and then some.  Yes, Thanksgiving is about the food, but it’s also more than that.  It is the only holiday that makes you truly think about the things you have instead of the things you want.  It’s the day where you get to be thankful for the amazing people, experiences and things that make your life amazing.  It’s a day to reflect on your outlook on the way you’re living.  It gives you time to change your ways before Christmas comes along.  Thanksgiving is an amazing day to spend with the people you love and remember all that you have that others might not.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Photo Hunt

Someone who taught me something: Mr. Snyder not only taught me academically, but also to be confident in my own skin and that hard work can make anything and everything possible.
Something that will always remind me of KHS:  I've had a lot of great memories here, and a lot more to come.  Just seeing the chief head will always bring back all of them.
Interesting angle:  The wear and tear of the lockers that most students don't even use anymore have been covered up with the symbol of love, a heart.

Something a little kid might notice and find interesting: I mean how could they not find a dinosaur head interesting? Heck I still do.

Something handwritten: A whiteboard in Mrs. R's class, who did more for me my freshman year then just teach me the correct time to use a semicolon.

Someone I'd like to be more like: Mr. Mello of course!  He's awkward, but he also has the kind of confidence in himself that most of us would dream of having.

Something Beautiful:  What could be more beautiful than a reminder that everyone has beauty inside of them.  People forget that these days.
Something square:  A bag of food from the vending machines...You know what is awful? How they're only open part of the day.  I swear it's abuse.
Something from nature:  Rocks, I know not the most interesting thing in the world, or so you think.  They're actually pretty cool.  Earth science "rocks."

Something round:  The clock that changes at the slowest pace...It's the object that determines when I get to go home and eat until I fall asleep.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Iconic Photo? Or Internet Accident?

             I decided to take this assignment to a different view point than most my other classmates.  It’s safe to say that most of them did a huge tragic or remember able event caused by psychopathic terrorists or something.  What people don’t realize, a huge event doesn’t have to happen for a picture to become iconic.  Of course, the pictures of the World Trade center are devastating as well as school shooting memorials. Those are all important events that is near so many of our hearts in America. I just feel like so many of these pictures we call “iconic” make people sad because it shows how messed up our world is as well as the humans in it.

                I being a person who enjoys twisting assignments into ways people wouldn’t quite expect, decided to do something a bit humorous and something that teenagers on social media have seen.  I don’t think adults understand how powerful social media like twitter and Instagram truly are.  Think about it, one person who has 3,000 followers’ tweets a picture and each of them tweet it again and so on and so on. What ends up happening? It spreads quicker than a wildfire.  I know you are probably reading this and you know exactly what I am talking about.  You know exactly the picture I am referring too.  The only sixteen year old I have ever heard of get famous for absolutely nothing other than being at the right place at the right time, and having absolutely gorgeous hair of course.  That’s right, I am talking about Alex Lee, who is now known as Alex from Target.

                I know you’re probably sighing and thinking why in the world I am writing about Alex from Target when the assignment is supposed to be about iconic photos from the 2000’s.  If you really think about it though, this kid became internet famous from one stalker chick taking a picture of him while he was working at target, and tweeted it.  It was just his luck that the people of twitter found his account.
               I understand how overly talked about this guy is.  I just found the situation absolutely hilarious.  Other people not so much.  I get he didn’t do anything to become famous but it is just the power of the internet! He had nothing to do with getting famous whatsoever so I think people should just give him a break. I get he did nothing to deserve it and he did take the whole internet famous thing a little too far, but you would too if you had an entire country telling you that you're gorgeous. Not many people can pull off going from 300 to 600k twitter followers in under 24 hours.  It’s our fault he’s famous, not his. Even so, it was probably the most entertaining thing ever to watch him spread nationwide in one day.  I was definitely amused by it.

                As you can tell, I took this assignment to a weird and probably annoying angle.  You’re probably rolling your eyes as you’re reading this but whatever.  I found it incredibly humorous to find that teenagers on social media have that much power.  Who knows, one day we might take over this country and make everything simpler and maybe better, I mean we have the power part down already.  No I’m just kidding.  Honestly though, the whole Alex from target situation made me laugh and so that is why I decided to use it for my assignment.  I mean the picture did go viral so I guess you could say it’s iconic.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This is Me...

This is me.
There is nothing special about this picture.
It is just me
With my split end infested brunette locks
And my golden skin that dries and shrivels in the winter
This is my face being clogged with buckets of makeup
And it’s my smile that I try to use to make others happy
It is me being me.

What you don’t see though, is what I choose not to show.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
I say this picture is worth one.
A lie.
What you can’t see from this picture is my story
You have no way of knowing
What is behind the girl with
The split ends
And the dry skin
And the layers of makeup
And the smile.

I’m a girl with a hard past
But a bright future.
I’m a girl with a mending heart
But also a caring one.
I’m a girl with a story.
A story of
And tears
A story of
And pain.

This picture is me.
But it’s me on the outside.
You have to stick around

To see the real me.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nightmare for a "Scaredy-Cat"

The morning sun peeks through the blinds illuminating the light green walls of my bedroom. The dust particles catch the light causing tiny shimmers of light in the air. I don’t want to get out of the warmth of my bed.  That means I have to begin my day, October 31st.  Halloween, me least favorite holiday of the year.
                From the kitchen down the hall, I hear my mom call me for breakfast.  I force my head down on the bed and sandwich myself between the bed and my pillow, dreading waking up.  Then I heard my stomach grumble and I realized I was starving, so I rolled my eyes and got out of bed with a moan.  “Why couldn’t it be Thanksgiving?” I thought “At least it’s acceptable to gain 20 pounds in a 12 hour period on that day.”
                I groggily stagger to the door gripping the doorknob and opening the door.
“RAHHHHHH” screamed my brother and sister in masks hop out of the bathroom, attempting to scare me.  I just stare them down with a cranky look on my face and give them a pat on the back for the nice attempt. I continue on to the kitchen, longing for breakfast.
“Good morning mom, what’s for breakfast?” I ask excitedly. 
“Your favorite, French toast!” she replies as she sets the glass plate in front of me.  I look down at my French toast and see what I guess is supposed to be a finger. 
“Really, you too?” I stab the finger with my fork and put it in my mouth.  “Its gummy body parts, I saw the bag of them when you came home from the grocery store.  Nice try.” 
“We will get you, don’t you worry.” My mom said with a devious smirk on her face.
                I roll my eyes and shove finger-free French toast into my mouth.  I have never liked Halloween, I hate being scared and I hate costumes and I hate the fact that it’s all about death and blood and gory stuff that I don’t care about.  Why can’t Halloween be more like Christmas? At least that holiday has a fun fat man in a red suit eating cookies and bringing kid’s presents.  That’s a good holiday.
                The rest of the day went by in a blur.  I went on like any other day.  That is until my family made me go trick or treating with them.  I complained and argued, no surprise there.  I used every excuse in the book. 
“I don’t feel good,” “it’s cold,” “I don’t have a costume.”
                Nothing worked, so I was walking around outside with my arms crossed, watching annoying kids dressed as princesses or ninjas, ring doorbell after doorbell begging for candy.  How lame is that? If you want candy, you can buy it yourself.  I hear my mom talk to me from a few feet ahead. 
“Okay Mikala, you've got the next house.  Go on, ring the doorbell or else you’re grounded.”
“Mom! That is totally not fair!”  I said angrily “You know I hate Halloween.”
“Too bad, go” She replied forcefully.  Of course, they picked the scariest house on the street.  This house scared every kid in the neighborhood.  It’s said to be owned by a vampire who sleeps during the day and only comes out of her house at night to haunt the neighbors.
                I walk up to the porch.  Spider webs blanket the corners of the walkway and claw marks indent the hard wooden door.  The rotten steps creak after every advancement made.  From the corner of my eye I spot two beating eyeballs with piercing green light nearly illuminating the porch.  The creature sprints across the welcome mat.  I flinch, of course, it’s a black cat that crossed my path.  Great, bad luck.  The mat in front of the door reads, “You’re not welcome.” Why have a welcome mat if nobody is welcome?  The thin windows on either side of the door have signs that say ‘no trespassing’ and ‘do not disturb, or else.’  Does my family want me to die? I finally decide to ring the doorbell.  As I do, I immediately regret it as I hear footsteps getting louder and louder as they make their way to the door.
                My heart is beating faster than a snare drum in a band.  I see the doorknob slowly turn and suddenly the creak door turns on its hinges gradually.  I see nothing inside, no furniture, or light, nothing.  It’s just darkness.  I debate running off the porch, as I do, I feel a wrinkly hand grab my ankle.  I belt out a terrified scream.  Long nails reach into my skin as I struggle to set myself free. 

                I tell myself to turn around and start fighting for myself but immediately after I do, the hands grip is loosened and I hear an evil laugh coming from the doorway.  I couldn’t believe it, it was my dad.  He had a glove with wrinkles and long nails on and he had all black clothing on.  It’s official, I absolutely HATE Halloween. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


        This isn’t for an assignment.  I found out the other day that my parents had showed my grandpa my writings about his late wife, who I call my grandma.  Or even my best friend.  I was told that my grandpa read my pieces and he cried, but he didn’t cry because he was sad. I decided to write another piece in remembrance of her on this day. He told my parents that he loved how much of an impact that the woman he loved made on my life.  It’s true, when she was here, she was the person who I knew could do no wrong, at least in my eyes.  I would see her smile lighting up the entire city purely because of the gracefulness of her presence.  I have yet to find another individual that had the potential to save the world like my grandmother did.
                Today marks the third year anniversary of her death.  At 8 PM tonight, I will be out having ice cream with my family.  She sure did love her sweets, especially ice cream.  We won’t be celebrating of course.  We miss her every day, but what we will be doing is remembering.  Remembering the kind of woman she was.  I will think about how she always put her family above herself.  I will look back on the all the times she read me stories or sang me her goofy song before bed.  I’ll remember how I always loved taking baths at her house because she had the most fun toys for the tub.  I’ll be reminiscing all the holiday’s spent around a dining room table, just enjoying the time we had together. I’ll hear her laugh in my head, spreading throughout every bone in my body until I can’t help but laugh right along with her.  She was genuinely one of the most kind and strong woman that walked the Earth.
  My grandmother wasn’t much of a griever.  She always told us to see the good in every situation.  Before she died, she told everybody that her funeral was to not bring any tears.  She wanted us to remember and be thankful for the time she did have and the time she got to spend with us.  Now, the no tears thing was a little too high of an order.  I remember the funeral like it was yesterday.  That church was packed full, I didn’t even know half of the people in that room. The amount of tears shed on that day could fill the seas. It just made me realize how loved and adored she was. It is unreal to think how many people’s lives were touched with my grandmother’s personality and selflessness.  At the same time, I thought about how many people broke down in dread when hearing of her passing.
                There have been so many times in the past three years when I would be so angry at the fact that there are awful minds in this world, and they are alive whereas my grandmother isn’t.  I never understood how bad things happen to the best of people.  I still don’t, and probably never will.  I guess God just wanted her all to himself, I mean I can’t blame him.  I just wish I could have said one last thing to her before it all. 
                October 29th will always be the worst day of the year.  All this day does is remind me of the thing I lost that I can never get back.  I’ve become the person who is afraid of change.  I am terrified that if I let go of one thing, that I will regret it and have no way of getting it back.  I’ve become afraid to let myself do what will make me happy in fear of disappointing or hurting someone else who means just as much to me. Nothing hurts worse than that feeling of permanent loss.  That feeling where you’re stuck in one place because the person you needed by your side to keep going is gone and can’t come back.  It’s been three years since I lost my grandmother.  Although some might say I should be over it my now, I disagree.  It was the first person in my life that meant the world to me that was taken for good, and it feels like crap. I’ve managed to move on with my life and find happiness in other things.  Nothing in the entire world could stop me from missing her though.
                I think people underestimate the power of one person.  I know society spends way too much time telling someone that they can’t or that it’s impossible. The only way something is impossible is if nobody had the guts to try it.  It was once thought to be impossible that humans could go to space, but we proved that wrong.  Every day people are proving that the impossible is most definitely possible.  The immensity of a grandmother’s love has the power to survive anything, even death.  She may be gone, but even if I can’t physically see her or hug her, I feel the presence of her love.  That vastness and clarity in a persons’ love is what can turn the death of a woman into something bearable.  I never thought I’d realize the fact that she is still here.  I was so caught up in the sadness of the loss that I never stopped and just talked to her and let her listen to me.
                The day I lost my grandma was the day my life changed.  I think about her every second.  Involuntarily, my mind reverts to thinking what my grandma would do in a certain situation.  Although I often fail at being even close to the same level of person she was, I know she’s still proud of me.  People always leave, but even though she’s gone, she’s here, somewhere, watching me.
        They say it’s impossible for one person to change the world.  If anybody could have done that, it would have been my grandma.  Her almost intimidating wisdom about the way life is could have made society think twice about how unfair and cruel it could be.  I truly believe she could have left her mark on this planet if she would have had more time.  The thing that gives me comfort though, is knowing she was able to work her magic on my family and friends.  Everyone that met her loved her and saw her as an inspiration.  My grandmother may not have been able to change the world on as large of a scale as I knew she would have been capable of, but that doesn't mean she didn’t change someone’s world.  That someone is me.  My world was changed and made better just by having her present.  Isn’t it amazing that one woman can have such an impact on another’s outlook on life? If I could see her again, I would thank her for teaching me what it means to be a family member, neighbor, friend, and human.  I love you more than you will ever know grandma.  I’ll see you soon.  I miss you, thank you for changing my world.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014



 ~Using items around the house to make something creative and fun is my specialty.  I make craft whenever I can and it’s something I feel like I’m good at.  I make my Halloween costumes most of the time.  I’ve never been a fan of this holiday, I can’t do scary stuff.  Besides, most of the girls at school already have two faces, why add another? No but really, making my Halloween costume makes the day more enjoyable for me.
                My favorite Halloween costume I made was a few years ago when I dressed up as popcorn. I used a box and cut out a hole in the bottom and cut out a zig zag pattern at the top and then covered it in red and white vertical stripes to make the popcorn box.  And then I put another piece of cardboard on the top and cut out another hole for my body to go through.  On this, real popcorn was glued all over in a big mound.  The last thing I did was punch small holes on the side to put some leather straps to keep the box up, and boom.  I guess the whole “you are what you eat” saying applies.

                ~My absolute favorite part of Halloween is the candy.  I eat that stuff way too much, it is kind of unhealthy.  I love my chocolate, but I will literally eat any candy that is put in front of me.  Actually, it doesn’t have to be in front of me. I’d chase it down the street if I had too.  Anything unhealthy or sugary, expect me to eat it.

                My favorite candy would have to be Twix or Hershey’s milk chocolate.  Low-key I have an obsession with gummy Krabby patties.  I was never allowed to watch SpongeBob, but that candy was delicious, and Halloween is the only time I have a chance to get some of it.  If you’re looking for candy that kids will like, chocolate is the perfect way to go.  If you want to do something a little different, you can never go wrong with something gummy or hard candy.  Just know, that candy has to last children an entire year, so don’t be stingy.  Give them as much as possible.  Now their parents might not like that too much, but is trick or treating about the adults? NO, so let the kids enjoy their holiday.  Fill their pillow case to the brim, and you’ll see about a million smiles on Halloween night.  I think Halloween needs a little more treats and a little less tricks. 

Friday, October 24, 2014


Music blasting
Bonfire blazing
Summer beach parties every weekend
Don’t think about tomorrow,
Party hard now
Was their motto.

Me not so much,
A walk on the cool night sand does me just fine
I look down yonder
The moon’s light is shattered by the ripples in the water
The stars are clothed with the smoke bellowing
From the bonfire
The shore is blanketed with seaweed,
Hiding it from view.
The stench of rotten sea creatures mask the
Soothing salt water.

Why these flaws should be characterized as
Scars on the surface shouldn't determine
Its immensity
Or worth.
Its true beauty is immense in itself.
Just have to give it a chance.
I feel sorry for those who don’t see the
Of judgment and mistreatment

Our world is imperfect.

But it’s still a good one.

Lyric Shuffle

I was there for you
And you said you has my back
When I was at my worst
but I can't make them stay
The fakers gonna fake, fake, fake

I stay up too late
 My head's underwater
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright
From the bottom to the top
come on now, make it stop
Don't you know I'm human too

Monday, October 20, 2014


      I have a very specific way I like my music.  I listen to country music and that’s it.  If you showed me a recent pop song I would have never heard it.  Most people think country music is trash, but they don’t know what it’s about.  Yes I will admit a lot of country music is about beer and trucks, but some have a deeper meaning that only the artist knows about.  Some of the artists sing these songs with so much passion.  That is my favorite kind of music.  I love country music with lyrics that can speak to me.  If you couldn’t tell my now, I love my quotes, I love deep things that make me think.  That’s just who I am.


 My favorite song isn't determined by how many times I listen to it or how often it is stuck in my head.  I love songs that make my heart race when it comes on the radio.  It is the one I feel so many emotions for.  I have a couple songs that never fail to make me emotional.  These songs are What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts and Something in the Water by Carrie Underwood.  What Hurts the Most is a song I’ve loved for a really long time.  I have always related to the lyrics of the song when I’m sad.  This is my go to song when I’ve had a bad day.  It is so powerful and relate able and it never fails to make me feel something.  Something in the Water is a newer song that I found on the very first time it was played on the radio.  That song was just so powerful and from the very moment I heard it for the first time I fell in love with it.  Carrie Underwood portrays her songs to perfection.  Her other songs Jesus Take the Wheel and See You Again are ones that her new music had to live up to.  In my opinion it did.

       Music is the definition of poetry.  It is an appealing way to express feelings and portray an emotion. 

“Life’s a dance, you learn as you go.  Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.” –John Michael Montgomery

“Life aint always beautiful, but it’s a beautiful ride.” –Gary Allen

“Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart.” –Eli Young Band

“God gave me you for the ups and downs, god gave me you for the days of doubt.” – Blake Shelton

“You leave home and you move on and you do the best you can.  But I got lost in this whole world and forgot who I am.” –Miranda Lambert

"He said, "I've been where you've been before. Down every hallway's a slamming door." No way out, no one to come and save me. Wasting a life that the Good Lord gave me. Then somebody said what saying to you. Opened my eyes and told me the truth." They said, "Just a little faith, it'll all get better." –Carrie Underwood

“I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while even though Goin' on with you gone still upsets me There are days every now and again I pretend I'm okay” – Rascal Flatts

Dan in Real Life Questions

2. Three tips I would give to parents of teenagers is,
                1.  Give them space, let them come to you.  If they need you they will reach out.
                2.  Trust them if they give you a reason too.
                3. Make sure they know how much you care.
14.  Honestly, I think that if you fall in love once it should stay that way.  You could say I’m a hopeless romantic.  When my grandma died my grandpa got another girlfriend.  I was glad he was getting over the loss of her, but I still believe nobody will ever compare to my grandmother.  I think there is one person out there for us.  I think we just have to find that person.
17.  My perfect day would honestly be a day when I have a brain full of words to add to my stories I’ve written.  If I could write all day every day I would.  I feel like writing has done more for me than people have at this point.  If I sat in my room with my laptop and just wrote until my fingers were numb, it would be the perfect day.  I would set down my phone, cut off communication with everything else and just write.

22.  Honestly I do think life is full of disappointment.  Sure there are some good things that happen but it is so much easier to complain about something than it is to be content.  In a sense, it is our fault that life is disappointing.  It’s our brains telling us that life sucks.  We cause the disappointment.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Movies With Meaning

Movies and TV, a full proof way to shut your brain off from your own reality and engage yourself in a different one.  My favorite movies are the ones that can make me cry and feel for the characters on the screen.  I love the movies with deeper meanings and ones that can make me think about human tendencies and ways of life, just anything that can make me feel something.

 Movies like Remember Me with Robert Pattinson comes to mind.  It was one of those movies that gave me this feeling of sadness and remorse for the characters.  My favorite movie, though would have to be To Save a Life.  This movie is a Christian movie that I watched at church for the first time. I really connected with the characters in the film.  I felt Jake’s confusion as well as Johnny and Roger’s pain.  The way this movie was put together gave off this symbol of hope and love and sacrifice.  The way Jake was willing to give up his dreams for the girl he loved and the way Johnny made friends for the first time that made him happy for the first time in his life.  Every character has their own personal struggle, and that is something anybody can relate too.  I think that is why I love that movie so much, I can easily relate.  I have so many other movies that I will watch over and over again.  Most of them are ones from my childhood that to me are still considered some of the best movies of all time.  I love feel good movies but nothing beats the depressing movies with meaning and heart to them.
I hate scary movies.  I hate them so much.  I’m a chicken, I will scream, I will cry, and I will have nightmares for weeks on end if I am forced to watch a horror film.  Trust me, you don’t want to force me to watch them because if you do, I will not sleep and I will be the crankiest person alive.  No one wants to be around someone who hasn’t slept.  Friendly advice: Do NOT make me watch a scary movie.

I don’t watch movies as much as I binge watch TV shows on Netflix, but there is still nothing better than sitting on my butt watching other people on a television screen.  Chances are though, if there is an emotional, heartfelt movie out there, I have seen it.  I may watch way too many shows on Netflix for hours upon hours, but I still have movie nights will myself very frequently, and it is honestly one of my favorite things to do.
One word, popcorn.  Even without a movie being on, popcorn is easily my favorite food.  It is even better when there is a screen in front of me.  I’ll be wearing my PINK sweatpants, a comfy sweatshirt and fuzzy socks.  I’ll cover myself in a pile of blankets and veg out on the couch in my room.  I could just sit there for hours with the lights off, watching TV.
If my life were made into a movie, it would probably win a Golden Globe.  The endless amounts of drama and the thoughts running through my mind could be made into an interesting story, especially if I wrote the script. My life and experiences itself would be boring if it were written by someone else because they have no idea what my life is about.  If I shared my story in a movie, it would be emotional and happy at the same time.  I know my life and I know that it is so bipolar. One week everything is fantastic and enjoyable and I’m having a blast with my friends doing shenanigans, and then the next day, it all goes downhill.  I think if I could portray my life on screen, I could make it into something people would enjoy and relate too.


Take a look at how you scored on the Big Five personality dimensions below.
Your scores, compared with the responses of other people, suggest that you may be described as follows:

You are moderate in activity and enthusiasm. You enjoy the company of others but you also value your privacy.

You are generally warm, trusting, and agreeable, but you can sometimes be stubborn and competitive.

You are conscientious and well organized. You have high standards and always strive to achieve goals.

You are sensitive, emotional and prone to experience feelings that are upsetting.

You are practical but willing to consider new ways of doing things. You try to seek a balance between the old and the new.