Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final Reflection Post



              1.  This semester I have let myself become very open with my writing.  Some pieces I've written include one of my favorites, “Dent in the Pillow” that I posted on my blog.  I loved the story behind it.  How the boys love for the girl was so strong that he sat in front of her house every day for months after she died.  Tragedies are so relatable to society and I feel like it gets great responses just because people have been there.  They read a story about a loved one dying of cancer or suicide and they think, “Wow that happened to me.”  Writing is such a great way to connect people. It shows society that people go through hardships every day and that you’re not alone.  “Dent in the pillow was my favorite short story I wrote just because the topic was easy to write about because it is so relevant and hard hitting.
      On my own though, I have actually started to write a book.  Only a few people know about this actually. It’s not that far along because I’ve been spending a lot of time on individual chapters, making them perfect.  It is another one of those stories that is deep and motivational.  I don’t want to share too much because it’s not finished, but I’m really hoping it turns out like I picture it will.
2.              2.  The piece that I read that stood out to me the most was the Maya Angelou writing.  I found such truth and honesty in her words, and I obviously had a lot to say about it if you look at my response writing.  I just loved what she said about power and how it’s subjective.  I related to the overcoming of obstacles she would share.  Like for example, how she wouldn't speak when she was a child.  Although I was a very loud and annoying child, I understand the feeling of being terrified like she was. 
3.               3.   My blog was an interesting experience.  I was really uncomfortable at first about posting my work for everyone to see, just because I write about such personal things.  I quickly got over that though when I realized everyone else is just like me. 
I came up with the title “Head in the Clouds” because I daydream…..a lot.  When I do, I am always making up random snippets of stories in my head and sometimes when they feel right, I transfer them to paper and elaborate.  Truthfully, many of my stories come from when I zone out in Algebra class…
 Part of me wants to continue my blog, but I am one of those people who is terrible about sticking to something.  I’ll tell myself I’ll do one thing, and then I get lazy and do the opposite.  If I do continue though, I will most likely post deep inspirational writings because I feel like that is what I do best.  I love helping people and making them feel like they mean something and I’m able to do that with my writing.
4.             4.  I've kept journals my entire life.  Even in elementary school I would be that kid that starts out a page, “Dear Diary.”  I do a different version of that now.  I journal when I’m upset.  If I’m angry, I write letters to the people that wronged me.  It would make me feel so much better to get out my feelings on paper, but never sending it and starting more drama then necessary.  I have probably at least 3 notebooks filled with letters I wrote but never sent.
5.              5.    “When I write, it’s always best when it’s a time I need to escape reality and dive into a new one. I use my laptop because I can type my ideas faster than I can write them.  I always lay on my couch in my room, hopefully bundled up with a space heater on next to me because I like to be warm.  I connect my beats into the computer and listen to my favorite country songs.  What I find odd is that I always tent to write best late at night.  I think it’s because that is when my meds wear off and I’m able to truly express every emotion instead of it being covered up.”     
6.             6. Scars on the surface shouldn't determine
             Its immensity
Or worth.
Its true beauty is immense in itself.
Just have to give it a chance.
I feel sorry for those who don’t see the
Of judgment and mistreatment

Our world is imperfect.

But it’s still a good one
7.                 7.  Writing will always be a part of my life.  It has been since the beginning and I never plan on stopping. I don’t know what my future holds as far as a career, if I’ll do something with creative writing or not. What I do know is that no matter where I end up, I’ll have notebooks stacked up in my closet.  I’ll have hundreds of them, filled with my inner thoughts and emotions.
8.                 8.  Keep writing.  Honestly, that’s all I have to say.  Never stop because every single one of you are amazing and talented and you all deserve the best that life has to offer.  I’ve read your stories and I truly have been so impressed with your passion and love.  Please never stop because your writing can be your gift to the world one day.

9.              9. It’s been a great semester. Thank you Mrs. Fraser for the creative freedom you give this class.  

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