Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Butterfly Fly By--

 She took long, strenuous strides down the dusty pathway through the meadow.  The sun was blaring on her heavily. Looking around, she took in the beauty of the valley, in awe. Tall, broad trees a ways away swayed slightly in the cooling breeze.  The grasses tickled her legs as she brushed up against them.  She caressed a single soft pink wild flower in her hand, thinking about the perfect little creations that are living in this peaceful field.  She continued to her favorite spot overlooking the creek. Arriving there, she lowered herself down to sit on the monstrous rock.  The rushing creek water below her created a ambiance of peace.  Little did she know, her quiet little spot would be corrupted by her thoughts.  She began her thinking, and looked back on her life, wondering how everything got so messed up.  She thought of everything that had fallen out of her grip, forgetting about the things she was able to still hold on too. All she wanted was a sign that everything would be okay. Almost immediately a gentle tickle was felt on her arm, separating her from her inner thoughts.  She glimpsed in the direction of her hand. On her hand, was a beautiful butterfly, just resting on her soft skin.  She smiled, a real smile, for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. So much meaning packed into this short piece--I think we've all been there, letting our thoughts cloud an otherwise lovely moment, looking for a sign that it will all be okay...
