Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dreaming of Being a Kid Again (Dream Thread)

In your dreams, anything is possible. I had an amazing childhood. My mom and dad were happy together and spend every second of everyday trying to give my siblings and I the best lives possible.  I was never bored at my house. We didn’t have cable or video games or cell phones, all we had was our imaginations. My brother and I spent our days finding new and fun things to do.  I remember in particular, we pretended our play set outside was a space ship.  We had to fend off aliens that were coming to destroy earth.  We also dressed up as superheroes and ran around the house in costumes, giggling and smiling. Getting into trouble was our favorite hobby. We painted the kitchen table with our finger paint, we used an entire box of band aids and stuck them on my brother, and we rode down the stairs in laundry baskets. My childhood was exciting and always fun and I guess I never really realized it until recently.
                I have a reoccurring dream where all the gravity is gone in my house and I wake up floating.  I am a kid again, about the age of 7 or 8.  It is set at my old house across town, the place I grew up in.  All the furniture was floating I was doing flips off the walls. I remember a certain point when I jump all the way down the stairs in the air and then I go in the basement and jump around on the furniture.
                Part of me thinks I dream that dream all the time because I remember how amazing my childhood was and I wish I could go back.  It was so much more fun staying home and playing games and joking around than doing homework all the time and stressing out about everything. I remember all those memories from my old house, before I met new people and changed my whole life.  As happy as I am with my amazing friends and school, sometimes I think what my life would’ve been like if I never moved out of that house.  I don’t regret how my life turned out, sometimes I just wonder. I wonder that if I still had something from my childhood still in my life, if I’d be a better person.  If I thought more about how grateful I am for the life I have, if I’d be happier and more content.  I truly believe that I dream about myself being a little kids again because part of me misses it.  I miss being that child who smiled at a new box of crayons.  Even if I could go back for a day to remember where I came from, I think my whole attitude about my life today might be different.  I long for my childhood back sometimes, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. I spend a lot of time, too, wistfully thinking of the past and all that I'd like to do over or at least do again. Why I rushed through it all to become a "grown up" I couldn't say...but it seems true of most of us that "youth is wasted on the young."
