Sunday, November 23, 2014

Photo Hunt

Someone who taught me something: Mr. Snyder not only taught me academically, but also to be confident in my own skin and that hard work can make anything and everything possible.
Something that will always remind me of KHS:  I've had a lot of great memories here, and a lot more to come.  Just seeing the chief head will always bring back all of them.
Interesting angle:  The wear and tear of the lockers that most students don't even use anymore have been covered up with the symbol of love, a heart.

Something a little kid might notice and find interesting: I mean how could they not find a dinosaur head interesting? Heck I still do.

Something handwritten: A whiteboard in Mrs. R's class, who did more for me my freshman year then just teach me the correct time to use a semicolon.

Someone I'd like to be more like: Mr. Mello of course!  He's awkward, but he also has the kind of confidence in himself that most of us would dream of having.

Something Beautiful:  What could be more beautiful than a reminder that everyone has beauty inside of them.  People forget that these days.
Something square:  A bag of food from the vending machines...You know what is awful? How they're only open part of the day.  I swear it's abuse.
Something from nature:  Rocks, I know not the most interesting thing in the world, or so you think.  They're actually pretty cool.  Earth science "rocks."

Something round:  The clock that changes at the slowest pace...It's the object that determines when I get to go home and eat until I fall asleep.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Iconic Photo? Or Internet Accident?

             I decided to take this assignment to a different view point than most my other classmates.  It’s safe to say that most of them did a huge tragic or remember able event caused by psychopathic terrorists or something.  What people don’t realize, a huge event doesn’t have to happen for a picture to become iconic.  Of course, the pictures of the World Trade center are devastating as well as school shooting memorials. Those are all important events that is near so many of our hearts in America. I just feel like so many of these pictures we call “iconic” make people sad because it shows how messed up our world is as well as the humans in it.

                I being a person who enjoys twisting assignments into ways people wouldn’t quite expect, decided to do something a bit humorous and something that teenagers on social media have seen.  I don’t think adults understand how powerful social media like twitter and Instagram truly are.  Think about it, one person who has 3,000 followers’ tweets a picture and each of them tweet it again and so on and so on. What ends up happening? It spreads quicker than a wildfire.  I know you are probably reading this and you know exactly what I am talking about.  You know exactly the picture I am referring too.  The only sixteen year old I have ever heard of get famous for absolutely nothing other than being at the right place at the right time, and having absolutely gorgeous hair of course.  That’s right, I am talking about Alex Lee, who is now known as Alex from Target.

                I know you’re probably sighing and thinking why in the world I am writing about Alex from Target when the assignment is supposed to be about iconic photos from the 2000’s.  If you really think about it though, this kid became internet famous from one stalker chick taking a picture of him while he was working at target, and tweeted it.  It was just his luck that the people of twitter found his account.
               I understand how overly talked about this guy is.  I just found the situation absolutely hilarious.  Other people not so much.  I get he didn’t do anything to become famous but it is just the power of the internet! He had nothing to do with getting famous whatsoever so I think people should just give him a break. I get he did nothing to deserve it and he did take the whole internet famous thing a little too far, but you would too if you had an entire country telling you that you're gorgeous. Not many people can pull off going from 300 to 600k twitter followers in under 24 hours.  It’s our fault he’s famous, not his. Even so, it was probably the most entertaining thing ever to watch him spread nationwide in one day.  I was definitely amused by it.

                As you can tell, I took this assignment to a weird and probably annoying angle.  You’re probably rolling your eyes as you’re reading this but whatever.  I found it incredibly humorous to find that teenagers on social media have that much power.  Who knows, one day we might take over this country and make everything simpler and maybe better, I mean we have the power part down already.  No I’m just kidding.  Honestly though, the whole Alex from target situation made me laugh and so that is why I decided to use it for my assignment.  I mean the picture did go viral so I guess you could say it’s iconic.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This is Me...

This is me.
There is nothing special about this picture.
It is just me
With my split end infested brunette locks
And my golden skin that dries and shrivels in the winter
This is my face being clogged with buckets of makeup
And it’s my smile that I try to use to make others happy
It is me being me.

What you don’t see though, is what I choose not to show.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
I say this picture is worth one.
A lie.
What you can’t see from this picture is my story
You have no way of knowing
What is behind the girl with
The split ends
And the dry skin
And the layers of makeup
And the smile.

I’m a girl with a hard past
But a bright future.
I’m a girl with a mending heart
But also a caring one.
I’m a girl with a story.
A story of
And tears
A story of
And pain.

This picture is me.
But it’s me on the outside.
You have to stick around

To see the real me.